Goa IVF Centre, one of the top IVF fertility clinics in India, offering a complete range of fertility services, including IVF treatments. Our expert, highly experienced team have helped women and their partners from all over India and overseas to achieve their desire of becoming parents.
At Goa IVF Centre we know that from the moment you are experiencing problems with fertility, this can be one of the most challenging and stressful times in your lives. We understand that everyone has their own unique fertility situation and emotional response to the news that they will struggle to conceive naturally.
Quality Healthcare.
To provide patient friendly environment.
To provide quality healthcare to the patients, confirming to scientific and ethical standards.
To constantly upgrade the quality of medical practice and education in the hospital.
Continuously audit and improve services.
We hereby assure quality healthcare to patients through reliable healthcare services, available medicines and maintainable equipments.
We shall ensure efficiency of operations and effectiveness of treatment through our competent human resources.
We shall review this policy for continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
We shall achieve this through the quality objectives set for various departments.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Maternity & Gynecological Services
High Risk Pregnancy Management.
Infertility Diagnosis & Management
Laparoscopy / Hysteroscopy
Artifical Reproductive Techiniques
Intra Uterine Insemination (I.U.I)
OP/IP Services
Basic Neonatal Care (Excludes NICU)
General Surgical Services (Elective)
Diagnostic Services
Ultrasonography & Color Doppler
In-house Dispensing of Medicines
Instrument Sterilization Unit
Medical records Dept.
Hospital Laundry
Specialized Units
Endoscopic Surgery
Hysteroscopic Surgery
OPD Services
Obstetrics & Gynecology – Daily
General Surgery (Visiting Doctor) – Once a week
Ultrasound & Doppler (Visiting Doctor) – Twice a week
Emergency Services
Obstetrics & Gynecology – 24 X 7
High Risk Cases requiring ICU care.
Neonatal ICU
10:00 am – 01:00 pm
02:00 pm – 07:00 pm
0832 2230528
0832 2205920
Wisdom Hospital
0832 2230528
0832 2205920
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Case of infertility, male factor with azoospermia (absent sperm count) undergone Ovum Pick Up on 29/06/09. 12 oocytes were retrieved, 7 grade 1 embryo obtained, 3 embryo transfers done on 02/07/09 but no conception, 4 grade 1 embryo cryopreservation done, and frozen embryo transfers done on 02/03/2010. Conceived. Presently she is 4-month pregnant growth parameters of the fetus are Normal.
Case of hypopituitary hypogonadism concerned with intrauterine insemination. With triplet pregnancy, cervical cerclage is done during the 4th month of pregnancy for short cervix. She was delivered by Caesarian section on 25/08/2005. 2 boys & 1 girl with average birth weight & healthy babies.
Conceived spontaneously with hypertension. She was delivered by caesarian section on 01/04/10 under General Anesthesia for induction of 8-month pregnancy with absent fetal movement with intrauterine growth hypertension with a breech presentation with the finding of pregnancy in Right Rudimentary horn, delivered a baby boy weighing 1.6kg with no abnormality placenta incerta present, an operative procedure done – caesarian section with excision of Right Rudimentary horn with left Salpingectomy done.
Dr. Kedar’s Maternity, Infertility and Surgical Hospital,
Endoscopy and IVF Centre aims to make things easier for you! If you have a query or a suggestion, please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you as early as possible.
Media updates on our successful completed cases till now and their stories for future reference.
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